Sex Selection For Babies
Sex selection for babies is an increasingly popular practice among couples who are looking to plan their families and determine the sex of their unborn children. As a reproductive health expert, I believe it’s important that prospective parents understand both the medical risks associated with this controversial procedure as well as the ethical considerations that […]
Should I Have Another Baby?
Having a family is an important decision for any couple. It’s normal to have mixed feelings about whether or not to expand your family with another baby. As a reproductive health expert, I understand the complexities of this question and want to help couples make informed decisions. In this article, I will provide advice on […]
What Are The Scary Parts Of Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a life-changing and rewarding experience for many women. However, it can also bring about anxiety and fear due to the unknowns associated with this special time in one’s life. As an obstetrician-gynecologist, I understand that women may worry about potential risks or complications during their pregnancy. This article will discuss some of the […]
Recovering From Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an incredibly exciting and special time for expectant mothers. It can also, however, be a difficult period of physical and emotional changes. As such, it’s important to take the necessary steps toward successful recovery after giving birth. I’m here to provide expert advice to help make your post-pregnancy journey as smooth as possible. […]
Strange And Unusual Tips For Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting and remarkable time in a woman’s life. It can also be filled with uncertainties, questions, and apprehension. To help alleviate the anxiety associated with pregnancy, it is important to have access to accurate information about what to expect during this period of transition. This article provides strange and unusual tips for […]
What to expect during week 4 of pregnancy

Week 4 of pregnancy is an exciting time for expecting parents. During this time, many physical and mental changes occur in the mother’s body as well as developmental transformations within the fetus. In particular, week four marks an important point in embryonic development when cell differentiation begins to take shape. As cells start forming distinct […]
How Do Transgenders Have Babies?

The transgender community is a growing population all over the world. As we continue to live in an increasingly inclusive society, it’s important that we understand how transgenders can become parents and have children of their own. This article will discuss the various ways in which transgenders are able to conceive and give birth to […]
What To Expect During Week 3 Of Pregnancy

The journey to motherhood is an exciting and overwhelming experience. Pregnancy can be full of both joy and fear, but understanding what to expect during each week can help make the process more manageable. Week 3 of pregnancy is a crucial time for both mom and baby, and it’s important to know what changes are […]
What to expect during week 2 of pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time for many women, but it can also be filled with anxiety and questions about what to expect. Week 2 of pregnancy brings its own unique set of experiences that will vary from woman to woman. The first few weeks after conception are critical as your body begins adjusting to the […]
What to Expect: Week 1 of Pregnancy

The first week of pregnancy begins on the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP). But, little does she know, an egg is already on a journey down the fallopian tube, ready to make a cozy home in the uterus. During this week, a woman’s body is busy preparing for fertilization. An egg […]
Tips to Successfully Get Pregnant

Before having our 3rd child, we were at our family doctor about another issue, and I asked her if she had any tips for getting pregnant. She said: Well, as you have two kids already, I can assume that you know the basics. The more tries you have, the more your chances are raised. Come […]
Surviving Pregnancy

What to Expect During Pregnancy? Pregnancy is a fantastic time in a woman’s life. You are creating new life and bringing a baby into the world. But pregnancy can also be a time of uncertainty and anxiety. Here are some things to expect during pregnancy. Changes to Your Body that Might Suggest Pregnancy Many changes […]
Pregnant? Here are some helpful pregnancy resources!

There are many different resources available to pregnant women. This blog post will introduce some of the most common resources, including books, websites, and support groups. When pregnant, having resources to turn to for information and support can be helpful. Books are a great source of information, and there are many different ones to choose […]
Maternity Stores and Products

Top Maternity Stores From the moment you find out you are pregnant, your life is transformed. You are no longer just a woman, but the one responsible for watching over the life of a new beautiful being in the making. Your organism, body, diet, exercise habits, hobbies, and later even your choices in music, movies, […]
Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss

What is miscarriage? Miscarriage, also known as early pregnancy loss, happens when the gestational process is interrupted due to the loss of the embryo or fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Losing a fetus weighing less than 500 grams is also considered a miscarriage. When the miscarriage occurs at a more advanced stage of […]
You think YOU are HOT during pregnancy?

This is my first summer pregnancy. I am literally MELTING… It is nothing short of a superhuman effort to get dressed and leave the house… just to enter a car with no working a/c. We are talking 100 degrees outside, and the air inside the house cannot even compete with that kind of heat. Whoever […]
How to prepare for the birth of your baby and what to expect

I’m going to be honest with you. Going through labor and delivering a baby hurts like F&^k. Not only that, but it is really long. And you will be naked in front of people you have just met. And just when you think that it is all over, they then need to deliver the placenta […]
Can you take glutathione while pregnant?

Glutathione can be taken in supplement form during pregnancy. It is included in some prenatal supplements to support the increased demand for glutathione during pregnancy. A healthcare professional should always be consulted before taking any dietary supplements while pregnant or nursing, especially if there are known allergies or medical issues. Any medical safety advice will […]
Pregnancy Resources

Are you pregnant? When you are pregnant, there are many helpful pregnancy resources to help you along the way: Prenatal care: Prenatal care is medical care that is provided to pregnant women to monitor their health and the health of their unborn babies. Prenatal care typically includes regular check-ups with a healthcare provider and tests […]
Online Pregnancy Calculator

Pregnancy Calculator Our pregnancy calculator will help you determine your due date. Keep in mind that this calculator is based on a 28-day menstrual cycle, and may need to be adjusted for women whose cycle differ from 28 days. Your due date is estimated by adding 40 weeks to the first day of your last […]
3 Unusual Birth Stories

Just one more… One unusual birth story is about a woman named Maria who had been pregnant with twins. During her pregnancy, Maria and her husband had been preparing for the arrival of their two babies, and they were excited and nervous about the big day. However, something unexpected happened on the day of Maria’s […]
Childbirth: Information on Pain Relief During Labor

Changing positions during labor. During labor, changing positions can provide comfort and relief from pain. This can be done by altering the baby’s position in relation to the pelvis. This can also increase the effectiveness of uterine contractions. It is important for the mother, her support person, and the nurse to work together to find […]