Rainy Day Games For Children

Rainy days can be incredibly boring for children, but they don’t have to be! There are lots of fun games kids can play inside when the weather outside is dreary and wet. From classic board games to creative craft activities, this article will provide inspiration for keeping children entertained on those rainy days.

Keep reading for some awesome ideas for rainy-day games for kids!

It can be hard to keep children occupied indoors, particularly during the summer months when they would rather be playing outside in the sunshine. But there’s no need to worry – with a little bit of imagination and a few supplies, it’s easy to come up with entertaining activities that will keep your little ones engaged and having fun all day long. Plenty of options are available whether you’re looking for something active or more laid back.

Indoor Board Games

Playing board games is a great way to keep children entertained on a rainy day. Plus, they can be enjoyed by everyone in the family, regardless of age.

A great place to start is with classic favorites like Monopoly, Scrabble, or Jenga. These classic board games are beloved by all ages, making them a great option for the whole family. They also test players’ critical thinking skills and help develop problem-solving abilities.

If you’re looking for something a bit more modern and creative, there are plenty of newer board games available too! From cooperative games where players work together to beat the game to strategy-based games that challenge players in different ways, there’s something for everyone.

No matter what type of game you’re looking for, there’s bound to be an indoor board game that can provide hours of fun while keeping children entertained on a rainy day!

Arts & Crafts

Arts and crafts can be a great way to keep kids entertained on a rainy day. From making simple origami from paper to more complex projects with clay, there are plenty of options for crafting. Not only is it fun, but it’s also a great way for children to express their creativity and learn new skills.

For young children, you can choose easy-to-do activities like drawing or cutting out shapes from construction paper. You could even get creative with items like recycled cardboard boxes or egg cartons to make fun art pieces. Older kids might enjoy making things like jewelry, puppets, or decorations. You could even provide them with a blank canvas so they can paint their own masterpiece!

When it comes to arts and crafts, the possibilities are endless. Kids can use their imaginations and create whatever they can think of. You don’t need expensive materials either; most of the supplies can be found around your house! All you need is some time and patience, and your little ones will have something to show off at the end of the day.

Card Games

Card games are a great way to keep kids entertained on a rainy day. Not only are they loads of fun, but card games also help to develop problem-solving skills and strategic thinking. Plus, there is something for everyone – from classic solitaire to more advanced strategy games like War or Rummy.

To get started, you’ll need a deck of cards. If you don’t have one at home, you can find inexpensive decks at most department stores. Once you have your deck ready, it’s time to pick the perfect game for your group. For younger kids, simple matching games like Memory are ideal. And if you’re looking for a game that will challenge older children, card games like Go Fish or Crazy Eights offer hours of enjoyment.

No matter what type of game you choose, it’s important to provide plenty of support and guidance when playing with young children – especially if they’re still learning the rules or trying out new strategies. With a little patience and encouragement, your child will soon be able to take on all kinds of card challenges with confidence!

So why not grab a deck of cards and enjoy some quality time together while having fun? From super-easy memory games to more complex strategy ones, there’s sure to be something that everyone in the family can enjoy – no matter how wet and dreary it is outside!

Reading Activities

Reading activities provide a great way for children to spend a rainy day. Not only can these activities help pass the time, but they also provide educational benefits. After all, reading is an essential skill for success in school and life.

One of the best things about reading activities is that there are so many options available. Children can read a book on their own or with a family member or friend; they can listen to audio books; they can even create their own stories. Furthermore, there are countless genres of books that appeal to every type of reader, from traditional fairy tales and science fiction to graphic novels and biographies.

Moreover, rainy day reading activities don’t have to be limited just to books. Kids could also make up their own games like charades or Mad Libs with friends or family members. They could look through magazines or newspapers and find articles related to topics they’re interested in learning more about. Or even do some research online by searching for websites related to their favorite authors or subjects.

No matter what type of reading activity children choose, it’s sure to make the rainy day fly by faster than ever before!

Playdough Creation

Playdough is a great activity for children on a rainy day. It’s inexpensive, easy to make, and provides hours of entertainment. Plus, it encourages creativity and problem-solving skills. All you need are some basic ingredients that you can find around the house – flour, salt, vegetable oil and water – and your child will have an enjoyable time creating their own sculptures.

To start off, give your child a small handful of play dough, along with any small objects they can use as tools: cookie cutters, rolling pins or plastic knives. This will help them get creative and build shapes that they’re proud of. Give them some suggestions if they’re feeling stuck, such as making something that looks like their pet or favorite food. You can also ask them to create something abstract – like a monster or an alien – and discuss what it looks like together.

Encourage your child to experiment with the play dough by mixing different colors together or adding in glitter to create sparkly art pieces. They can also explore textures by forming little balls out of the clay or squishing it between their fingers. By engaging in this type of tactile play, your kid will be able to express themselves while having fun at the same time!

Playdough creation is an easy yet fun way for children to pass the time on rainy days. Not only does it spark their imagination but it also allows them to explore different materials and develop their motor skills too! So next time there’s bad weather outside, why not try this activity with your child?

Some Simple Rainy Day Games

Memory games are great for rainy day activities. With just a few items, children can have hours of fun. All they need is a little bit of creativity and some imagination!

First, there’s the classic card game of Concentration (also known as Memory or Matching). To play, all you need is a deck of cards with the same number of pairs. Then, lay them out face down on the table. Each player takes turns flipping two cards over at a time to try to find a matching pair. If they find one, they keep it and get another turn. The person with the most matches in the end wins!

Then there’s Simon Says, which is also great for kids of all ages. To play this game, one person needs to be ‘Simon.’ They will call out commands like ‘Simon says jump!’ or ‘Simon says clap your hands!’ Everyone playing has to then follow that command – unless Simon doesn’t say ‘Simon says’ first! Those who make mistakes are out until only one person is left standing and wins the game.

Lastly, there’s Hide and Seek which requires no materials at all! One person needs to be chosen as ‘It’ and will close their eyes while counting up to ten – then everyone else hides in different spots around the room or house. Once done counting, it’ll have to search for everyone by calling out their names until everyone has been found! This game not only encourages active play but also helps build problem solving skills as well as working together as a team if playing with multiple people!


Puzzles are great rainy day games for children. Not only do they provide an opportunity to stay inside and be entertained, but they also help kids learn problem solving skills and sharpen their minds. Puzzles can range from jigsaw puzzles to crosswords, with something suitable for all ages.

For younger kids, jigsaw puzzles are a great way to pass the time on a rainy day. They come in all shapes, sizes, and difficulty levels, so there’s something for everyone. Depending on their age and ability level, kids can work together or independently to complete the puzzle. It’s a fantastic way for children to practice their fine motor skills and follow instructions without feeling overwhelmed.

Older kids may find crossword puzzles more engaging. Crosswords are like word searches but have clues that need to be solved before figuring out which word fits in each blank space. This is an excellent way for older children to practice their spelling as well as increase their vocabulary knowledge. Furthermore, it encourages them to think critically and develop better problem solving skills over time.

Rainy days don’t have to mean boredom when it comes to children’s activities! Puzzles offer the perfect mix of fun and learning that will keep them entertained while developing important skills at the same time. Whether it’s jigsaw puzzles or crosswords, these games are sure to make any rainy day enjoyable!

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are a classic go-to activity on a rainy day, and it’s easy to adapt the game for indoors. To create your own indoor scavenger hunt, you’ll need to prepare some items and clues in advance. You can choose any type of objects that you’d like to find, although try to pick items that fit the age group of the children playing.

To get started, write down or draw clues that lead to each item. The clues should gradually become more specific until they describe the exact location of the item. Then hide the items around your house where appropriate, making sure they’re accessible but still challenging to locate.

Once everything is ready, give every player their set of clues and let them work together or independently as they search for all the hidden items. At the end of this activity, everyone can compare what they found and celebrate their collective success!


Charades is a great game for kids to play on a rainy day. It’s easy to set up and can be played with as few or as many players as desired. To get started, choose one person to act out the word or phrase without talking. The rest of the players will take turns attempting to guess what they are acting out.

This game is perfect for learning how to use non-verbal communication since it requires participants to convey their message without speaking. Kids can practice expressing themselves in different ways while having fun trying to guess what their friends are acting out. Charades also encourages children to think quickly and creatively, as well as develop their problem solving skills and creativity.

It’s important for kids to stay active even when stuck indoors due to rain, which is why charades is such a great game for them to play! Not only does it provide entertainment, but it also helps kids use their imaginations and encourages team building skills.

Video Games

Video games are a great way to entertain children on a rainy day. They can be played alone or with friends, making them versatile and enjoyable. Plus, there is an array of genres available for all kinds of interests. Whether your child likes adventure, puzzles, or sports, there’s something out there for them.

When picking out video games to play on a rainy day, it’s important to think about age appropriateness. Many games come with ratings from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) which can help you decide if the game is suitable for your child’s age group. It’s also beneficial to check the game’s features and user reviews before purchasing. This will give you an idea of how interactive the game is and what other people have thought of it.

Finally, don’t forget that video games don’t just have to be played indoors on a rainy day. If you have access to a covered patio or porch, you can set up a laptop or console outside and still enjoy the experience without getting wet!

What Are Some Good Rainy Day Activities For Children Of Different Ages?

Rainy day activities for children of different ages can be a challenge. It’s tough to find something that will keep kids engaged and entertained, especially when they’re cooped up indoors. Fortunately, there are lots of options! With the right rainy day game or activity, you can ensure your kids are having a great time even if it’s pouring outside.

Start by considering the age of your child. Younger children may enjoy activities like coloring books and blocks while older kids might prefer board games or puzzles. If you have multiple aged children, you can also look into games that everyone can play together. Charades and Pictionary are great choices for mixed groups.

Don’t forget about physical activities too! As long as everyone is dressed properly, there are plenty of ways to stay active on a rainy day. You could play tag inside the house, do some stretching exercises, or even have a dance party! If you’re looking for something more creative, try building an obstacle course with furniture and blankets or making an indoor fort out of pillows and sheets.

No matter what age group you’re dealing with, it’s possible to find an enjoyable rainy day activity for your kids. With these ideas in mind, you can make sure your little ones stay occupied – even when it’s raining outside!

Are There Any Rainy Day Games That Can Be Played With Multiple People?

Rainy days can be a great opportunity for families to come together and have some fun. But when you have multiple people, it can be hard to find a game that everyone will enjoy. Fortunately, there are plenty of rainy day games out there that involve multiple people.

One classic game for two or more players is charades. This game requires participants to guess what the other person is trying to act out without speaking any words. The possibilities are endless, and it’s easy enough for even young children to understand and play.

Another popular game that can involve multiple people is Pictionary. With this game all you need is paper and pencils, so it’s an easy one to set up anywhere. It encourages creativity as players try to draw the word they’re given while their teammates race against the clock to guess what it is.

With these two games in mind, there are plenty of ways to make those rainy days a little more enjoyable with family members of different ages and tastes. So why not gather everyone together, break out the supplies, and get ready for some rainy day fun?

Are There Any Rainy Day Games That Don’t Require Any Materials Or Equipment?

Rainy day activities can be a challenge when you don’t have any materials or equipment. Finding games that don’t require any such items is a great way to keep kids of all ages entertained and engaged on days when the weather isn’t cooperating. There are plenty of fun, creative, and imaginative options for rainy-day games that don’t require any materials or equipment.

One popular game is ‘I Spy’, which can be played by two or more people in an indoor or outdoor space. The game starts with one person choosing an object they see around them and saying, “I spy with my little eye something beginning with….” Then everyone else has to guess what it is based on the description given. This game encourages children to think creatively and use their imagination, while also helping them learn to describe things accurately.

Another great option is Charades, which can be played by three or more players in an indoor space. In this game, one person acts out a word or phrase without speaking, while the other players guess what it could be. This is a great way for kids to get creative and have fun expressing themselves without using words. Furthermore, it helps children learn to look at things from different perspectives and think outside the box when faced with puzzles and challenges.

There are many other innovative ideas for rainy day games that don’t require materials or equipment either; some examples include Freeze Dance, Simon Says, Scavenger Hunts, Name That Tune, 20 Questions, Storytelling Games and Drawing Contests. With these fun activities at hand there’s no need to worry about being stuck indoors on a rainy day – instead you can have just as much fun as you would outdoors!

Are There Any Activities That Can Be Done In The Rain?

Rainy days don’t have to be boring. There are plenty of activities that can be done while it’s raining outside. From indoors activities like playing board games, to outdoor activities that require a bit more creativity, there is something to keep everyone entertained on a rainy day.

For those who prefer to stay inside, there are many options for indoor activities that can be enjoyed in the rain. Board games and puzzles are great for families looking for a shared activity or for those who want something more individualized. Puzzles also help build problem-solving skills and encourage teamwork and collaboration with others. Video games and computer programs can also provide hours of entertainment when the weather outside isn’t cooperating.

For those who still want to enjoy the outdoors in the rain, there are plenty of options too! Going for a nature walk or scavenger hunt can get children out into nature while still staying warm and dry under an umbrella or raincoat. Gardening is also an excellent outdoor activity; it will require some extra preparation, but it allows children to learn about plants, soil, and how things grow. Creative arts like painting or drawing can also be done outside if you’re equipped with the right supplies, like special paints that won’t wash away in the rain.

No matter what kind of activity you choose, you’re sure to have fun despite any inclement weather! Whether you prefer indoor activities or outdoor adventures, there are plenty of ways to make the most out of a rainy day.

Are There Any Activities That Can Be Done With Limited Space?

When the weather is bad, children still need something to do. But with limited space, it can be difficult to come up with ideas that keep kids entertained. Fortunately, there are plenty of rainy day games for children that don’t require much room.

One type of activity for a rainy day is a board game. These can be found in almost any toy store or online and range from simple games like Snakes and Ladders to more complex versions such as strategy-based Risk or Settlers of Catan. Board games can provide entertainment hours and encourage teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Another option is to play video games together. Kids love video games and playing them as a family can help bridge the generation gap while also ensuring everyone’s safety, since the games will likely be age appropriate. There are many different types of video games available, so it’s important to find one that meets the age level, interests and skill level of your child(ren).

Indoor activities like arts and crafts projects can also be great fun on a rainy day. These activities allow kids to express their creativity while also developing their fine motor skills. A visit to a craft store or browsing through art supplies at home are great ways to get started. The possibilities are endless – drawing, painting, sculpting, collaging – the list goes on!

No matter what indoor activity you choose for your kids on those days when going outside isn’t an option, it’s sure to bring smiles all around!


Rainy days can be a great opportunity for children to have some fun and use their imaginations. There are so many different activities and games that can be done on a rainy day, regardless of age or the amount of space you have. From board games to outdoor activities, there’s something for everyone.

For younger children, try traditional board games like Snakes & Ladders or Connect Four. For older kids, try out card games like Uno or an indoor scavenger hunt. An outdoor game of tag is also a fun way to get some energy out in the rain. If you don’t have much space, there are plenty of activities that don’t require any materials or equipment that you can do at home with your family.

Rainy days don’t have to be boring! With some creativity and imagination, you can make the most of being stuck indoors and still have lots of fun. So grab your umbrella and get ready for some exciting rainy day adventures!